Our dogs will appreciate any donation you can make
£1 buys them a day’s worth of food and shelter in Romania and as a charity we appreciate any help towards these costs. Please do not forget to complete the Gift Aid form just below once you have donated so that we can claim an extra 25% from HMRC on top of your donation – at no extra cost to you.
To Donate by PayPal
Our PayPal email is Romanianrescueappeal@mail.com (NB: not gmail) and please select the Friends or Family option to avoid some of your donation being lost in charges.
To Donate by BACS
Account name: Romanian Rescue Appeal
Bank: HSBC
Sort Code : 40-47-31
Account No. 24613333
Leave a Gift in your Will
Follow the link above to find out more about ways you can help our dogs by leaving a gift in your will.
Gift Aid
Please complete this form so that we can claim Gift Aid from HMRC