Hi there! You can raise FREE donations for Romanian Rescue Appeal EVERY time you shop online. Just use easyfundraising! Over 4,000 shops and sites will donate, including all the big names like eBay, John Lewis & Partners, Argos, ASOS, Expedia, M&S, Just Eat, uSwitch and many more! Click here to start shopping!
1. First things first – have a go It’s useful to understand how easyfundraising works, even if you don’t have anything to buy. This will help you explain how it works to others.
2. You have your own cause page to share with your supporters. This shows them how to sign up, raise donations and see how much you’ve raised so far.
3. Recruit new supporters. Get others on board with the posters, flyers, videos, Facebook and Twitter posts and more that you can find here.
4. Keep banging the drum! It’s important to help spur on your supporters to keep raising with regular reminders and updates. Use our ready made tools to remind supporters.
5. Remember to use easyfundraising.
The Donation Reminder helps you remember to use easyfundraising – so the cause you support never misses out when you shop online.
Raise donations with the FREE easyfundraising App